Off They go and Back one comes.
I get to the nest this morning around 5:30 am in hopes of getting some pics of the Red Moon. Not happening. The clouds decided not to cooperate . So that went out the window. I sat there waiting for Ozzie and Harriet to how up. Around 7:14 am Harriet shows up at the nest coming from the northwest. She checks out the nest and while she is doing that Ozzie comes home. They do some moving of stuff and then Harriet goes to the front porch-branching branch-veranda ...... Geee that has so many names, While she is up there Ozzie is nipping at her tail feathers...LOL So cute to see them like this. Harriet had enough of Ozzie messing with her tail , she leaves headed to the river at 7:15 am Ozzie follows right after her. Well ! another day of not staying around.
By this time others have showed up at the nest. DeAnna, Jay, David Mitz , Jeff. So we all hang around talking for awhile. By 8:55 am Harriet returns to the nest with part of a fish. Drops down into the nest and just looks at the part of fish she brought as if almost to say "Why did I bring that back with me" She then heads to the porch branch and hangs out for a bit then takes off for the pond. Well here I going running ( it's more like limping like Fiestas on GunSmoke or what old show it was) for the truck with DeAnna right behind me. In the truck we go and off to the other side to the pond. Harriet is at the edge of the pond getting her a few drinks and looking around. Oh I so wish she would take a bath but she was still a little wet from her fishing trip. She has her fill of water and fly's back to the old cam 2 tree and is looking around for Ozzie. Done looking for Ozzie, she spreads her wings to dry off.
By this time DeAnna and I made it back to the church side of the nest area. Oh the photo's you all will get to see from the other photographers! Jay and his big lens. He takes such great photo's. You can see Harriet has a huge crop on her. It's so big the feathers are parting and showing the down under neath her feathers.Harriet spends about 30 mins drying off then heads for the nest tree again.
Everyone else has left and I just hang around for a bit. While sitting there looking thru my pics, Ozzie shows up. I should say sneaked in . I caught his white head out of the corner of my eye . He was in the dead tree closest the the real big huge one that we all get photo's of .. on the church side.
Little stinker! He might have been down at the pond for a drink also because he did some drying out too. Not like Harriet tho. Ozzie headed for the nest tree. I thought he was going up to see Harriet but he flew to a lower branch under the nest. If you didn't watch were he went to ,you wouldn't find him. He was hiding in between the pine needles and the moss that hangs down that part of the tree. Harriet was sitting way up in the nest tree. Her favorite place to sit. They both sat there for the longest time just looking around their Kingdom.
Around 12:30 pm Ozzie went to the right pond tree. I thought maybe he was going to get a branch but he just feaked his beak...LOL Harriet leaves the nest tree headed northwest and Ozzie is right behind her. This was 12:40 pm.
Ted had showed up before they left for his shift. lol So it was waaayyy past my time to go home.
I left Ted in charge and went home. It was another great day with Ozzie and Harriet. They might not have worked on the nest but at least they were there for awhile . :)
There's Ozzie |
Little stinker! He might have been down at the pond for a drink also because he did some drying out too. Not like Harriet tho. Ozzie headed for the nest tree. I thought he was going up to see Harriet but he flew to a lower branch under the nest. If you didn't watch were he went to ,you wouldn't find him. He was hiding in between the pine needles and the moss that hangs down that part of the tree. Harriet was sitting way up in the nest tree. Her favorite place to sit. They both sat there for the longest time just looking around their Kingdom.
See how well he blends |
Ted had showed up before they left for his shift. lol So it was waaayyy past my time to go home.
I left Ted in charge and went home. It was another great day with Ozzie and Harriet. They might not have worked on the nest but at least they were there for awhile . :)
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