Thursday, October 30, 2014

4:24 am Sitting at my computer looking at F/B ,cams on and I hear Harriet and Ozzie . They are close by but can't see them. For me hearing Ozzie that well, means they are close by.  Hmmm gives me an idea of where to look for them later when I get to the nest. 5:00 am the cam's went off oh well I'll be there soon.....  Yes they do fly when it's dark. It maybe be from 1 tree to the other but they do fly. Why wouldn't they ? I think if they had to.... they could go further. Just my opinion.
 Oh and before I forget , the answers to the photo's ( since everyone had given ) #1  Harriet but why? #2 Ozzie -besides the beak what else? Remember I said there were 2 ID"s that both of them have or don't depends on the light and the angle in which you see the second one.  I didn't know both of them  had it until I got the 400 mm lens and was sooo surprised to see it. The tail ID both have it from my photo's . So there you go. Remember... I am giving my observations of what I see. I am not an expert nor do I claim to be. I see what I see in my photo's and from being there day in a day out. I do try... to the best of my ability to write from memory what I see and give an honest account of it.

Ok... so I will be back later with today's activities.

Well they were in the old cam tree when I got there. Harriet on one side ,Ozzie on the other. Harriet does some vocalizing and I look around across the pasture from the NW some thing is flying and goes right past me. It looked like and Owl but I'm not sure. When Dave got to the nest a little later, I asked him what kind of Owl did he get a pic of the other evening in the west pasture tree, he said it was a GHO and told me from underneath they look like a Hawk but their body's are rounder-fuller than a Hawk. So that's what it was. My first Owl and I didn't get a photo of it. Harriet and Ozzie didn't seem to bothered by it but was vocalizing. The Owl headed across the road.
Ozzie joins Harriet on the same branch. They are vocalizing and Harriet gives Ozzie the side kick and mating is   This was around 7:13 or so . They sit there for a bit then Harriet heads for the nest. Harriet checking things out and Ozzie heads over to the right pond tree . He fly's up breaks off a branch - or it falls off from Ozzie's weight. This thing was HUGE! Ozzie didn't or couldn't keep a hold of it , down to the ground it went and Ozzie flew back to the nest tree  up to the attic empty talon. I left to go to Publix and Ozzie left to go to the stick tree's across the road. I made it back be for Ozzie Ozzie soon finds the right stick and back he comes.  Harriet goes to the attic branch , then Ozzie leaves and goes to the river. Harriet stays around for awhile then she leaves headed towards Bob's house. I stayed for a bit then left. I have a few things to do so made it a short day.

This is a link to Dave's photo of the Owl

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