Saturday, October 11, 2014

I get to the nest this morning get out of  the truck to look for them and don't find Ozzie & Harriet but do see a Heroin in the right pond tree. So I sit in my truck and wait.  It wasn't long before I hear Harriet. So I get back out of my truck and set up every thing.  Donna arrives and we hear Harriet again. Always great to hear them first thing in the morning. We start checking out the nest tree but still can't see them. A few mins later from the front pine tree here comes Harriet  then Ozzie . Yay !
Both checking out the nest to see what might be needed today. By this time Jay , Jim, Triple J and  Barb are arriving. David E. Arrives a bit later and some for his friends.
Any way now that I didn't for get any one on to Ozzie and Harriet. There was mating early. After that  Harriet goes to the porch branch, Ozzie leaves then comes back with some grass for the nest-bowl. This is at 7:28 am
 Both are sitting on the attic branch and we have mating again and this time it looks like Harriet kick's Ozzie a couple of times.... Her and that side kick. Ozzie start's checking out the nest tree for a branch or some pine to get. He finds him a nice size one and back to the nest he goes with it.

Ozzie places his stick and of course Harriet stayed up on the attic branch. Ever since Ozzie donged Harriet in the head with a stick, she vocalizes every time Ozzie get close to the nest with a stick. As if to let him know where she is at so he doesn't hit her again. LOL  So with that stick in place off Ozzie goes to the tree across the road. Now he is bring back a tree! Good Lord  Harriet is just a squawking away on this one.

See Harriet as Ozzie comes in for the landing..LOL
Ozzie lands safely and no Eagle was hurt. Ozzie gets busy placing his stick and Harriet ignores him. She keeps looking at the pine in the tree further up and goes for some but doesn't get it and heads for the right pond tree. There she walks up the branch and vocalizes. I Have a photo of her and it looks like she is on her tipy -toes  as she walks/ flaps her wings going up the branch.
 Harriet leaves the pond tree and joins Ozzie back at the nest tree.They both sit for awhile. Harriet on the attic branch and Ozzie on the porch. So we all get to talking and the next thing you know there goes Harriet , then Ozzie right over us headed past the Church. I did  manage to get Harriet .This is the first time they leave at 8:03 am.
So we all get to chatting and looking at our photo's or taking photo's of the Red Headed Woodpecker that has been around the past couple of days. To our surprise , Harriet and Ozzie come back around 8:39 am . Harriet brought in a stick and  Ozzie brought some more grass with him. Ozzie then goes up to a branch in the nest tree to get a stick. Misses the stick then heads to the west pasture tree line for a HUGE stick again.

Well Harriet figured she can do just as good if not better on the stick size so she went to the west tree  line.  Bells Outlet as Barb called it She didn't see any thing there she like so she went right next store to Walmart and found her a stick. Back she came with this little stick. Barb and I cracked up laughing .. We really thought she was going for a big stick. Harriet looked so determined going from tree to tree.  
Then all of a sudden both of them took off out of the nest tree. I missed it but was told they went after an Osprey and Ozzie took what ever it was the Osprey had dropped and went to the pond tree and ate it . Harriet was back in the nest tree.
Harriet get's her another pine branch , Ozzie makes back to the nest after eating. They are both in the nest moving all that was brought in today . Harriet goes up to the attic branch and Ozzie picks apart Harriet's last delivery of pine. Soon after Ozzie is done they both leave again for the rest of the day.
Another very productive day for Ozzie and Harriet and awesome day for me to spend with them and Friends.    

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