Well it's time to write again. I wanted to keep this off my Photography Page. https://www.facebook.com/deeagle55
Since Ozzie has been at CROW=https://www.facebook.com/CROWClinic forhis injury we have seen a lot of other Bald Eagles in and around the nest area. It started the evening of the 21 March. Two visitors landed in the nest tree just before dark. March 22 then I got there very early in the morning all I could see was Harriet, E6 and a Sub-adult. The possible Fledgling (mods are saying because of they way it landed in the tree ) was not there. No one knows for sure when it left but there was some vocals around 11-11:30 pm that night. So ok now It get's light enough to where I can get a good look at the Sub-adult. This Sub-adult has a lot of black still in it's tail and around the back of it's head. The vocals from this one was just like listening to Ozzie . It shocked me there for a few minutes. Well this young seemed to be out to impress Harriet, which she wasn't having any of it especially after he spent the night in the nest tree with out even asking.And she still is looking for her Ozzie and taking care of E6.
Sub-adult , now nicknamed "Airplant"(just so we can keep up with who's who) Goes about trying to catch Harriet's eye. He goes to the snag closest to us and starts showing off. This whole time Harriet is vocalizing her displeasure with him. Next he flies to the right pond tree where the crows start dive bombing him. He then flies to the left pond tree and there too the crow's go after him.From there he goes over to the left front pine and gets an Air Plant flies to the old cam 2 tree .
From the old cam 2 tree "Air Plant" goes back to the right pond tree and is taking the air-plant a part.
Then he flies back to the nest tree to give the "gift " to Harriet and she is not having it .
He does try landing on the attic branch but is quickly told Harriet she doesn't want it and he headed over to the new cam 2 tree. There he finishes taking the air plant apart.
From there He tries to enter the nest tree again.this is when Harriet flies at him .
and he leaves headed to the old cam 2 tree and Harriet Is right behind him, " Air Plant" lands briefly because Harriet is coming at him. He flies back to the right pond tree. Harriet on the old cam tree vocalizing at "Air Plant to leave and he's just not getting it. The crows bother Air Plant so he moves to the left pond tree by the driveway.
By this time Harriet just has that look of " I have had it" Still vocalizing off and on and the crows still bothering Air Plant, he decides to fly back to the nest tree again. Well now Harriet just had enough and off she goes after him.
All this time E6 is watching and learning. He /She will have to possibly do this one day also. Of course the was the occasional hissy fit thrown in there too. LOL
Air Plant is finally gone from the area .
Ok now this ends my time at the nest for that day. There is more but I would like to move on to the next day because I can't report on what I didn't see :)
March 23
Well the morning started off with just E6 and Harriet . E 6 was all over the nest tree this morning. It just gave me the feeling he was about to do something but just not quite sure what . Maybe a new branch maybe fledge I just didn't know. So very move he made I'm taking pics. harriet had left the area earlier . So we're standing there watching E6 just flapping all over the nest tree. He was up on the spick branch which we can't really tell from our advantage point. He's up there just got those wings a moving ,then you can see E6 going up,up, up then off he went from the nest tree. What a beautiful, well executed fledge. Out he goes towards the front pine trees and of course I'm saying ,not towards the road ... E6 turns to his right and heads towards the pine tree
by the driveway and lands . Perfect landing ! Of course he had 2 crows chasing him so he made it a short flight.... E6 stayed there for a bit then a short flight back to the nest and a perfect 10 points landing on the attic branch.Harrie had to be watching, She Arrived 1 min later with a Celebratory Fish For E 6..
To savetime here is a link to the Fledge Album https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.337083213151339.1073741861.254203074772687&type=3
Soooo ok we are all sitting back waiting to see if E6 takes off again the it a bit crazy. I best I can tell you is that there were 4 Adult Eagles flying around , 1 sub-adult=(Air Plant was back) and 1 Juvie( about 3-31/2 yr old) One of the Adult's we now have nicknamed him "Minnie Ozzie " Why you ask? Because he is smaller than Ozzie and sounds just like him. We all just looked at each other and shook our heads. This one ran off Air Plant , then Air plant ran off an Adult . Harriet kept one away then "Minnie Ozzie " ran off an Adult female that flew past the snag tree he was on. Holy Smokes !! We had a hard time keeping up with who was who and where did they go.
Minnie Ozzie on the snag tree before he ran the female intruder off. |
This is the one we call "Minnie Ozzie " He's a very small fellow & sounds like Ozzie
So now we have Minnie Ozzie that has taken over the "male" in the nest area for now. Trust me, Harriet is not a happy camper at all. This little guy had the nerve to go to the nest with E6 still eating his fish and vocalize at E6 . Yes just what I said too..lol See I know what you're saying right now"OH NO HE DIDN'T" !!! |
Look at E6 ..lol
Harriet was in the nest tree this whole time and she was like "Oh no you don't" and ran Minnie Ozzie off the nest . |
Ok so now it's time for me to go . Again there is more and you all should know how the rest of the day goes. Yes I understand you know all of what I wrote but there's a reason I stared back this far. Now we are catching up ..LOL
So now it's March 24 th and Hope it's a new day with out Minnie Ozzie or anyone else. So far so good then all of a sudden here come Minnie Ozzie from the front pine tree... Oh Boy! You have to give him credit, he sure is trying to win Harriet over but it's just not working for her . She is Ozzie's woman that's all there is to it . She is doing what she needs to do ,to keep E 6 safe and her home while Ozzie is healing up. Any way Harriet soon makes short work of Minnie Ozzie and we all can breath again and sit back and watch E6 for awhile. Around 10:20 -10:25 am Harriet is back in the nest tree and her and E 6 spend some quality time preening and just hanging out.
About 10:38 am that's the time I have on my first photo of the next male that comes into the nest area.
Are you still keeping up?? I hope so because I'm running out of energy trying to keep this all straight and I'm sure i have forgotten some details. So now this fellow is in the left pond tree with the Ricky & Lucy Ricardo. Yes we named the crows too. You should hear the story lines we have going for all this. What I am writing here is just a small part of it. So any way this fellow isn't welcomed at all not by them nor by Harriet . This day not much is happening. Harriet is off some where and E6 and new male are just sitting around. So I left .. but of course every thing happens when I'm gone...lol
So on to March 25 th Another foggy morning. If I have everything right the new male was run off the night before . So the morning was nice and quiet.Harriet left and E6 decides to take a flight to the right pond tree. What a great landing he did. The crows are not happy with E6 being there and this is something new for E6.
While E6 was on the pond tree and Harriet has been gone for awhile so when a Eagle flies into the nest tree,by some he was thought to be Harriet because he is bigger than Minnie Ozzie . Some thing wasn't sitting right with me and Carla so I got a few more pics and Carla checked hers. We both said "it's not Harriet " So we had to tell Vickie it wasn't Harriet so she could change her report. Well more ID ing had to be made.While getting the photo's from the driveway side the Eagle vocalized . We knew for sure then and pulse the photo's we had gotten it wasn't Harriet .
Sooo now we have another one to keep track of ! Harriet comes home and runs this one off again towards Publix. By now our heads a really working the storyline of this and we came up with another name for this one . are you ready for it??? You sure you want to know??? Well I named this one ....... Publix .. Yep you read that right, Publix. Well after all that's where he goes when Harriet runs him off...LOL
Ok so now we are at March 26th today .
I'm there my usual time in the morning. Harriet and E6 are all by themselves after a very busy evening from what I saw on the cam. I'm standing there and out of the corner of my eye I see a Eagle fly past me from behind on my left side. Here comes Publix. I have no idea where he was sitting at this morning. Harriet just starts sounding off. Oh Lord here we go again. He went to snag tree then the old cam 2 tree.Harriet was not in the mood for this . She chased him ,he went to the right pond tree and Harriet right behind him and cased him from there . Publix went to the left pond tree and Harriet stayed in the right pond tree. Something caught Harriet's attention she flew down past the pond and headed towards the north. Publix was still in the left pond tree. E6 then went to the right pond tree and mantles. E 6 saw Harriet coming in with a fish from the nest and was there waiting for her but she took the fish to the nest. It didn't take E6 long to get to the nest and claim his breakfish. Yay food for E6 this morning.

I'm coming Mom !!!!!!! |
Mine , all Mine !!!! |
Harriet stayed in the nest with E6 while he ate some of his fish. Harriet leaves headed north west. Publix flies in and heads up to the upper branch . Vocalizes then leaves . E6 is done with his fish and is full of energy and flies up to the branch above the attic .
Then E6 takes off for the right pond tree. I'm not sure if he was trying to break off a stick , but it was a little touch and then go again. E6 headed over to the Church tree for the first time.
While E6 was at the Church tree in comes another Eagle. This time it's a female. Oh boy .
Ok so now we have a female we have to name . We so get to looking at the photo's we have taken and the easiest name was Split Tail because her tail looks split it,it's just missing a tail feather . Now I know you have heard another name by now from reading the HWF but this is my story . lol
Split tail vocalizes and not to long after that E6 comes flying to the nest tree from the church tree.He lands on the attic branch and mantles. Some how I missed Split tail leaving but caught another Eagle flying in and head out towards the river I'm guessing that's the way she went .
E6 headed to the nest |
I think the reason the female was because of the other Eagle which form looking at my photo's was Publix. We had a few flying around but couldn't ID them real well .
So the reason I started way back was to try and let you know what it has been like on the ground the past few days. The easiest way to keep track of who's who was to give them names. well at least for me any way. So we have ... Minnie Ozzie- adult male, Air Plant sub-adult about 4-41/2, Publix -adult male, Split tail -adult female that all have stopped at the nest tree or stayed for at least a day ,day and a half. Who knows what tonight or tomorrow will bring .Stay tune to find out in... As The World Turns in the Life of Ozzie and Harriet & E6