Saturday, September 27, 2014

Well after not being at the nest for 2 days and Ozzie and Harriet leaving early Friday, Today tuned out to be a good day. I met Kathy at the nest around 5:45 am or so. Donna (Gigglingfrog) arrived at 6:00 am. Neither Ozzie or Harriet were home. What a bummer! But we all knew they had to be close by and would hopefully be home soon. Desiree arrived  at the nest this morning. Not to long after that Ozzie makes it  He landed in the right pond tree. Harriet still at were ever she was. Maybe they had a little spat last night. Ozzie hangs around for a bit then  fly's to a tree across the road. DeAnna and Jay show up and DeAnna lets us know Harriet is at her place sitting on the pole. Around 8:49 am Harriet finally decides to come home. She arrives just a vocalizing, I guess she was telling Ozzie to come back to the nest tree ,time to got to work. LOL .
Both of them are in the nest checking  things out and moving a few sticks around. Ozzie decides to move one of the big sticks he brought in a few days ago.  Harriet moves to the side until Ozzie thought where she is at, is a good place for the stick. So Harriet goes to the porch branch to get out of Ozzie's  way. With Harriet out of the way, Ozzie continues to re-arrange the sticks.
Ozzie then leaves and heads across the road to get another stick while Harriet stay's on the porch. I think Harriet has figured it out ,it's better to stay out of Ozzie's way and watch his progress from a safe distance. Ozzie heads out again for another stick. For some reason only known to Harriet ,she decides that this time Ozzie needs her help with the stick placement ,so she drops down from the attic branch and proceeds to  help Ozzie.  Satisfied with her "beak work " , Harriet goes out to the porch again then up one branch. Ohhh she finds her a stick there in the nest tree that just has to be part of the nest. She breaks it off..  does a fly around to come back in the nest tree. Show off!! LOL    

Harriet try's to place "her" stick but Ozzie will have no part of that and there was a bit of beaking going on. Harriet goes up to the attic branch and Ozzie ,"not to be out done" leaves for the west pasture treeline. We thought he was going to bring in a big branch by the way he kept going from tree to tree but instead he brought in a stick with pine on it. It looked like a witch's broom. LOL

Satisfied with their work today ,both Ozzie and Harriet sat on the attic branch for a bit vocalizing at the Vultures that were flying over head . By 10:30 they both left headed east towards the river. I looked up at one point in time and saw Ozzie soaring with the Vultures over the nest area then he was gone again. I too decided it was time to go home for the day.

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