Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Love is defiantly in the air.

Today I arrive at the nest close to 6:00 am . Harriet is in their favorite tree and Ozzie is in the right pond tree. Yay they are home today. Harriet starts vocalizing early. Daybreak Ozzie goes to the nest and checks things out. Making a list I'll bet ..LOL Harriet heads for the nest and the two of them are moving sticks around. Ozzie gets a pine branch off of the nest tree and Harriet heads for the attic branch. Ozzie then leaves for the dead tree across the road for a stick and  Harriet vocalizes off and on. Maybe giving Ozzie orders? LOL  Ozzie brings back the stick ,place's it where he wants it then jump's up to where Harriet is.  There's chattering back and forth and we have mating in the nest tree this morning. They sit side by side for a bit then leave the nest tree. Ozzie heads north towards Bob's and Harriet goes to the northwest tree line. About an hr later, I couldn't see Harriet any more in the tree thought maybe she left so I got into my truck and was about to leave when here comes Harriet. She comes in vocalizing. I was looking for Ozzie to show up too but it took at least another hr before he showed up from the north carrying grass. By this time Jeff had showed up. Ozzie was doing his shimmying ..lol when he does that you can't see him in the nest. Ozzie heads out again across the road to get another stick.  Places this stick... again goes up to see Harriet and we have mating again in the nest tree. Such Love Birds...
   Both of them sat there for a bit then again Ozzie heads north but this time Harriet stays behind in the nest tree. I left Harriet still in the nest tree preening around 10:50 am. It was time for my nature call and time to eat. Harriet didn't look like she was going any where any time soon. :)
It sure was good to see them after not seeing them for 2 days.
This is the second mating session , the first time it was still to dark out to get good photo's.

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