Most of Florida's breeding bald eagles, especially those nesting in the extreme southern peninsula, remain in the state year-round, but most subadults, or birds not quite fully grown, and non-breeding adults migrate out of Florida (Stevenson and Anderson 1994, Curnutt 1996, Mojica 2006). Eagles migrate northward between April and August and return southward from late July through late December. Juveniles migrate northward later than older subadults (Broley 1947, Wood and Collopy 1995, Mojica 2006). Most juveniles disperse at about 128 days of age and spend their first summer as far north as Newfoundland, with peak numbers summering around Chesapeake Bay and the coastal plain of North Carolina (Broley 1947, Millsap et al. 2004, Mojica 2006). Florida's bald eagles use three migration flyways - the Atlantic coast, Appalachian Mountains, and the Mississippi River valley - with equal frequency, and they use stopover sites for resting or foraging (Mojica 2006). Eagles also exhibit nomadic wandering, mostly by subadults. Northern-breeding alascanus bald eagles winter in Florida at least occasionally (Stevenson and Anderson 1994)." So being retired and don't have much else to do pulse I needed to work on taking better photo's I went to the nest as much as I could. Who better to get photo's of than Ozzie and Harriet and who ever else might show up?!
After E 4 left the area Ozzie and Harriett stayed around and did some work on the nest. They didn't stay very long at the being, maybe a few hrs. Then it got to where I wouldn't see them at all for a few days. Some days it was Just Ozzie. Some days Harriet and some days neither one of them. The days got hotter and I would see them less and less. Smart Eagles! I on the other sat there just in case one would show up. Pretty soon I got smart like them, if they didn't show up by 9:00 am or left at first light, I was gone too.
July I took 10 days away from looking for O & H . My Grandson came in to spend his summer with us and we went to the beach. What a great time we had.
While I was gone ( not that I knew before hand ) Desiree was gong to the nest as much as she could on the weekends. Some times she would see them. About the same scenario as mine. She had better luck tho in the evening times.
I started spending more and more time up at the nest when my Grandson went home. From about every other day to every day. Ozzie was at the nest more and more in the mornings but Harriet was a hit and miss. I'm sure she was some where ,were I couldn't see her but Ozzie did.Ozzie would do some work and or not ,then leave.
One early morning, which for me is around 5:30 am , I'm looking in the trees for either one of them. I couldn't see in the branches of the nest tree real well yet but I did hear that familiar vocal of Harriet's . OMG what a sweet sound it was, My heart jumped for joy! I knew they were home even if I could see them in the nest tree. As it got lighter out ,sure enough there they were. Harriet on one branch and Ozzie up on another. I must have looked like an idiot to any one else, with that big gin on my face and the Woo Hoo I let out.....LOL
As the sun came up more I could see they looked great! Ozzie now has this beautiful white tail and he lost his racing stripe ( well he lost that before E 4 left). His claw is still not there that he lost around when E 4 was hatched. But all-in-all he is just Magnificent ! Harriet as always is Beautiful! The big Gurthy gal that she is. And I say/ write that with love in my heart for Harriet. :)
So this is how a lot of my days with them started off. Some times they would stay ,others they would leave right away. Ozzie might bring in 1 stick and Harriet would leave or they would both stay and work on the nest or both would leave me sitting there . The days that they stayed and worked on the nest were some of the funnest days. They still have their discussions on where the sticks would go. Ozzie is very adamant about the placement of each stick. Harriet would try to help but would finally give up and leave or go sit on the porch branch...LOL
Harriet did her fair share. We all know Harriet loves her pine needles so that was her job. Oh she would bring in a few sticks but Ozzie is the one that brought in the HUGE sticks. I think Ozzie is going for the High-rise look this year. The sides of the nest are so much higher that when Ozzie lays down in the nest you can't see him. Harriet's head is barely see able when she lays down. It might take us longer to see the Eaglets over the rails when they are hatched this time.
By this time we are now into August and a lot of work is being done on the nest. They work real hard one day and stay until 10-10:30 am then leave. On other days they are gone at first light around 6:45- 7:00 am . Of course I still sit and wait just in case they come back. I'll wait until 10-10:30 am ,if they are not back by then I go home.
Little by little others start to stop by and check on Ozzie and Harriet. Some of the other photographers and The Birdie bunch. Good to see everyone again. Miss my quiet time with them but Hey I can't have Ozzie and Harriet all to my self now can I ?! I just make sure that I don't talk to them to much when others are around.
We have had "Bonding" 4 times now. I call it "Bonding" because they are re-a firming their bond to each other. The serious Mating should happen next month. We even saw Ozzie with a fish and Harriet right behind him and take the fish from Ozzie. I took that as Him showing Harriet he can still provide food. With all the new nestorations he is showing her he can build a nice home for her. One time Harriet did her side kick to Ozzie. I just died laughing. One "bonding" was on the ground which I didn't know they did that. See the things I learn.
The cams went up in the tree's Saturday. They moved cam 2 ,to another tree by the Pricthett's drive way. It's a shorter tree than they other one but that one is about to fall over. Remember the sea-sick rides we would have when the wind would blow? With this new location hopefully we will be able to see Ozzie and Harriet when they are sitting in the old cam 2 tree (which is their favorite tree) . It will also have, I hope a better view of the Eaglets when they are on the spiked branch where E4 liked to spend his time wingerizing. Yes I did write "Eaglets" ! I hope for a great season this time and all goes well. Not only with our Family but every other nest. We sure had a rough season and hope things are better. God keep all the ones that did make it safe and Fly High Fly Free may the wind always be beneath your wings!
I'm sure I forgot a few things but you all get the idea of what has been happening this summer with Ozzie and Harriet. Nesting season starts Oct 1st and the cams will be on and I'll still be going to the nest to check on O&H.
Here are a few photo's I took during the summer . The first one is of O&H and 1 of the supper Moons we had.
Ozzie with grass
Ozzie & Harriet on the porch branch
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