Monday, 10/27/14
I haven't written in a few days. I was going to do just one blog for this last week before my surgery but sitting here watching Ozzie and Harriet on the cam this morning, before going to get all my test's done, made me realize how much I am going to miss seeing them , hearing Harriet calling in the morning, stick placement discussions, the mating, all of it while I'm sitting at the nest. I'm in tears right now. My heart is aching like I'll never see this again even tho I know I can see it on the cam it's just not the same for me.......
The past few days have been so much fun with Ozzie and Harriet and the great group of people that come to the nest also. Rail getting, mating, feeding Harriet (which is to Ozzie's advantage) and them just sitting there relaxing. Watching Harriet closely for any signs of a brood patch, how she seems to be looking much "fuller" theses days. Great conversations while waiting for them to return. Is what I do for everyone ? No... it does get real boring while waiting some times. I've almost fallen asleep a few times when I was out there by myself.....LOL But it's well worth it when they come back.
I have seen the different behaviors of Ozzie and Harriet . Their markings to ID who's who's . These photo's show from I am reading on the cam page of a couple of ID"s that I don't agree with for one of them.
Who is this????
Who is this one ?????
If you go by the ID's that are on the cam page , tell me who's who or are they the same? .......
The morning was very foggy. Ozzie and Harriet were not in their normal tree's nor did Harriet vocalize like she usually does. So I wanted to see which direction they were going to come in from. Surprise! They came in from Bob's direction. First Harriet around 7:19 am then Ozzie 2 mins later. Harriet went to the old cam 2 tree, then Ozzie went straight to the nest tree and Harriet followed.
Some stick moving then Ozzie headed over to the stick depot across the road. Wow Ozzie brought in another HUGE branch, a small
Placement of this one is going to be tricky. Weather Ozzie likes it or not , Harriet was going to have to help him with this one. It was still a bit foggy out and of course my lens fogged up too...... Geeeshh
Harriet leaves the nest and heads for the west pasture treeline. Ozzie soon follows and there is mating in the west treeline. I couldn't see them but I sure could hear them .lol It takes only a few mins and Ozzie is headed back to the nest with another branch. Harriet stayed in the west pasture tree to get her self presentably just in case the cam's were back on. Bless Harriet , she wants to help Ozzie with the sticks but he still wants to do it him self. Harriet lets Ozzie do his thing and goes to the porch branch were it's safe. I guess Harriet was bored with sitting there , she took off towards Bob's place as Ozzie was across the road again for another stick. Ozzie got a few more sticks then went to the porch branch to relax while Harriet was out shopping. About an hour or 2 Harriet comes back from the north with 2 talons full of grass. Boy it sure took a long time to pick out the right grass for the nest.
Oh I almost for got to tell you about the silly Mocking Bird that was using some ones windshield as a slide... OMG too funny . It saw it's reflection in the window and kept going after it up and down the windshield. It would make it to the top and end up sliding back down . This went on for about 20 mins.
We had to have some thing to watch , Ozzie was just chillin and Harriet hadn't made it back
So any way Harriet makes it back with some grass and you all know Ozzie has to get in the nest with her and help - push her out of the way. There is some more stick moving and a few beak pecking Ozzie is once again tackling that big awkward stick he brought in earlier. Harriet steps up on the front porch branch to get out of Ozzie's way. LOL it looked like Ozzie nipped her tail feathers but he was moving the stick. She turned around looked at Ozzie then went up to the attic branch. Ozzie is done for the day heads off towards the back of the Church and keeps going east. Harriet watches him and about 5-10 mins later Harriet heads off in the same direction. Time for me to head home and get a few things done. A good day with them both.
Ozzie battling with the Big stick