OMG where do I even being today's blog! What and exciting day.
It started off very clam and quiet. Ozzie and Harriet mated in the front pine tree. Ozzie brought in some grass and a small stick compared to his normal huge branch. Ozzie heads out across the road and doesn't come back then Harriet leaves headed towards Bob's place. Ozzie comes back about an hr later Harriet is still gone , then he heads off towards Bob's also . Maybe 45 mins later here comes Ozzie followed by Harriet . Ozzie has a small piece of food for Harriet. She eats while Ozzie moves some sticks around. Harriet done eating hops on to the porch branch and feaks her beak. Ozzie is just sitting in the nest when all of a sudden I see another Eagle headed into the pasture and Ozzie & Harriet are just vocalizing. It's a Juvie about 3-4 yrs old. It fly's around the nest tree, starts to land on the upper right branches of the nest ,then takes off again. Fly's around the nest tree again , lands on the outer left part of the attic branch . All this time O&H are sounding off . Both have their eyes on this Juvie.
Ozzie and Harriet are just vocalizing and this Juvie is sitting there , looking around. Then the Juvie starts to spreads it's wings and then Ozzie is on the move . I didn't know which one to get pics of now. Ozzie goes up in the nest tree as the Juvie is coming down into the nest. OMG bad move on the Juvie's part. My Heart is just racing and I'm trying to get both in the photo. Harriet is still on the porch branch vocalizing. Ozzie comes down into the nest and knocks the Juvie out of the nest and Harriet is off the porch branch headed into the nest as Ozzie and the Juvie go tumbling over the right side of the nest . Again my heart is just racing. They come around the nest... in between the front pine trees and the nest tree. Ozzie dives down with legs extended, talons out , the Juvie had turned upside down with talons up. They lock briefly , then Juvie gets away from Ozzie . Ozzie chases it again around the cam 2 tree then Ozzie lands on cam 2 tree and the Juvie fly's right over Ozzie as it heads to the west. Ozzie after about 2 mins fly's to the west pasture tree line and checks a few trees to make sure the Juvie has left the area and keeps flying north west out of the area. Harriet by this time has gone up to the branch above the attic branch. She was steady watching and looking around.Harriet is still very much on guard.
Harriet starts vocalizing again. Oh boy here we go again but this time it's an Adult Eagle! It came from the south west flew across the nest area, banked to the left and headed north towards Bob's and out of the area. Holy Crap-Oly!!! What a morning.
After all that I get a chance to look at my photo's . Sorry to say I did not get a photo of Ozzie and the Juvie locking talons.Yes, I'm still kicking myself for that (as I hang my head low in shame). I lost them as they were flying low.
I left Harriet still in the nest tree and went home. I'm still in awe of how well Ozzie defended his mate, his home and his domain from an other Eagle. Some thing I will never forget. Our Ozzie . what an AWESOME Eagle he is! And our Beautiful Harriet right there with her Man ready to help protect their home. No one should very doubt Ozzie's ability to take care of what it his.
The Juvie as it leaves the upper branches |
Juvie 3-4 maybe not older than that |
Ozzie and Harriet sounding the alarm |
Juvie 3-4 ...what some may call " a dirty bird " look because of all the white and brown on it and the beak hasn't turned completely yellow. You can still see some black on it's beak. |
Juvie getting ready to fly down into the nest.... Bad move! |
See Ozzie on the right ,getting ready to fly up |
Juvie on left headed down into the nest ,Ozzie top right |
Juvie in the nest ,Ozzie coming down and Harriet in the lower right corner |
Ozzie knocking the Juvie out of the nest and Harriet going in the nest |
Hard to see.... I'm on the wrong side of the nest ,but Ozzie and the Juvie off the side of the nest. Harriet going in the nest. |
this was just before the Juvie turned upside down and they locked talons briefly |
The Juvie flying over Ozzie |
Ozzie watching the Juvie to make sure it leaves
Harriet |
The other Adult that flew by. |
The other Adult .... |
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