I start off this blog for today with a great big smile on my face. E6 is home again . He came at 4:04 pm yesterday afternoon. Oh Thank You God he is safe and didn't leave us YET. I also want to apologize to everyone for jumping the gun and for not following my head in saying E6 has left us. I truly thought he had and I've never seen this before, not when it's so close for them to leave. Yes when they fledged they could be gone for a day maybe even a few days but " I " have never seen or read this of one leaving and coming back. So if someone has information on such , I would and I'm sure others will want to read it too. "Prep" for Dispersal as some mods are calling it.....( I was informed by Jeff that Nick from the NEFL nest left for 2 days came back but didn't stay very long, then left out for good. So there is that info. ) So I guess it does happen.
It's almost time for me to go see E6 ,Harriet and PB. E6 has been vocal since I got on this morning. So I know he is still home . I will let him know from all of us how much he scared us and not to do that again. ...LOL
Back from the nest . Was great seeing E6 again where he should be for awhile longer. When He does leave ,I won't say anything for a week just to make sure he is gone...LOL
I arrive at the nest at 6:00 am . I find Harriet and PB on the old cam 2 tree and E 6 is vocalizing from the front pine tree. They must have gone there maybe some time after it stopped raining early this morning to dry off. Both of them were sleeping. Harriet on the right, PB on the left.
By 6:30 am E6 flew to the nest and was still vocalizing at Mom to get up I guess...LOL
Harriet is up of course and she does her Good Morning vocals and so does PB . E6 then proceeds to take out his frustrations I think of PB still being there and Harriet sitting with him..on the camera strap... Too funny. Harriet begins some preening. Harriet then flies to the branch just above PB. PB then flies up next to Harriet which she lets him know she doesn't like it and He moves to the branch higher up on the right. At first I thought he was going to try and get frisky with Harriet but Harriet took care of that .... LOL
Harriet leaves headed out to the southeast and PB right behind her. E6 vocalizing his dislike. E6 doesn't stay to lang after that and heads off in the same direction just a squeeeing. By the time I try to look around the tree, here comes Harriet with E6 right behind her a squeeeing away. Harriet has a fish head for E6 this morning. Awww she knew E6 was hungry from his adventure the other day. She's such a great Mom. Harriet lands on the nest and E6 just about knocks her off the nest trying to get the fish head when he lands. He has a hold of her foot again, Harriet gets her foot away from E6 and up to the branching -branch she goes and E6 almost goes off the back side of the nest. Well at least that's what it looks like from where I am standing.

Harriet leaves again and heads over to Bob's place I think. E6 enjoys his fishhead breakfish. After eating E6 takes a fly about and doesn't get to far because of the crows. They are always ready for E6 to fly by. They get him coming and going from the pasture. E6 then starts on the camera strap again. He gets bored with that and finds stuff in the nest to pick at. Somewhere in here Harrit comes back but leaves out again bring back a nice sized fish . PB comes back this time too but E6 has the fish and is mantling and PB goes up to the attic branch. Harriet takes off for the yonder pond in hopes I think that PB will follow but he doesn't. He stays in hopes to steal E6's fish. Pb looks down every now and then to see where E6 has his fish... Not his time PB ,E6 has it well covered and standing on it. We checked the cam...LOL
Harriet and her fish |
PB |
PB looking down to see where the fish is.. |
PB never gets the fish and He leaves . E6 enjoys his fish in peace and quiet . Ted has arrive by this time . I talk with him for a bit then it's time for me to head home. I also want to say that it was good seeing Gleeful... a chatter again . I haven't seen her in quite awhile. And Donna, as always , enjoyed our conversation.. Thanks for keeping me sane ...LOL
Oh and I almost forgot to tell you all ... Had a talk with E6 this morning, asked him where he had gone and you know he wouldn't tell me or maybe he was and I just don't understand Eagle yet .....