I wake up this morning with a heavy heart hoping that when E6 left out yesterday was NOT the last time we were going to see him. I get dressed and head out to the living room ..sit down at the dining room table and turn on the computer and keep saying to myself "Please be home E6 , Please be home" .
The nest is empty which is ok because E6 really hasn't slept there much the past few days weeks . I sit and listen...... Nothing. Nothing but the early morning traffic. I check facebook and still listen for E6 or Harriet. Nothing.
Ok it's 5:30 am time for me to head to the nest. I stop by Circle K and get a few things, then off to the nest. I'm thinking of where to look when I get there and I hope I'll hear E6. I arrive at the nest get out and listen, Nothing. So I get my chair and camera set up so I can get some pics of the front trees just to see if I can spot someone. I thought I heard E6 but wasn't sure. I take a few pics.... can't see any one. I turn towards the cam 2 tree where I found E6 yesterday, no one. Still don't hear anyone. My heart is breaking. A few mins later I hear Harriet. Oh what a great sound but I still didn't hear E6 . I drove over the the Pritchett driveway and get out to take pics of the trees from that side just to see if I can see them ..Nope still can't find them but I know Harriet and PB are there from the vocals a few mins earlier. I go back to the church side , sit and wait for daybreak. I spot who I think is Harriet in the front tree and she leaves headed to the west pasture treeline , lands in a tree over there. My heart starts racing... Maybe E6 is there and I just couldn't hear or see him. PB then leaves the nest tree and heads to a different tree than Harriet. Still no E 6 . I'm searching all the trees with my lens looking for E6, no E6. Harriet and PB hang around for a couple of mins then fly over the west treeline and heads for Bob's place. Still no E6.
I can not being to fully explain to you all how I am feeling at this moment. My Heart is breaking, I'm almost in tears but must keep the faith that E6 will be back soon. He just got distracted again ..LOL
Wskers goes over to the yonder pond to check. He's not there. Bob lets us know Harriet and PB are at the high poles, no E6.
My mind keeps coming up with excuses of why E 6 isn't there but my heart knows why. It was his time to go. It just clicked yesterday and He left us for his New Life.
E6 learned all he could here and what a great job Harriet , Ozzie and yes even PB did to get E6 ready for this journey he is on now. What a fierce Juvie you are now. You will be a force to be reckoned with . E6 you can defend yourself , hunt for your own food (which I would have liked to see more of ) and you know you must always keep your food from others thanks to PB. Be safe on your travels. Don't forget to stop and play at the ponds and lakes along the way to wherever it is that you are going.
Thank You E6 for the great memories I'll always have of you. What a fighter, sweet baby face . One who soo enjoyed playing with sticks every chance you got. You protected Mom and your nest from any and all intruders the best you could. Took your frustrations out on the camera strap.. LOL Oh my that was so much fun watching you do that. Good exercise for your neck too by the way.
I hope you do learn to take a full bath while you're out enjoying your new life.You know you must get clean every now and then .
Be safe my little one . Fly High, Fly free and may the wind always be beneath your wings. May you turn out to be just as Magnificent , Majestic and Fierce as your parents are.
Fledge Day 3/23/15 |
4/7/15 |
4/9/15 |
4/12/15 |
4/17/15 |
4/20/15 |
4/21/15 E6 at Yonder Pond |
E6 at yonder pond |
4/21/15 E6 at Yonder Pond making like a Bat..LOL
E6 at nest pond 4/27/15... Little did I know these would be some of last photo's I would take of E 6 .
Tears streaming...:(
ReplyDeleteHe was so special. Such a delight to watch him grow and develop into a Juvie with so much potential. Even now I miss E6 and wonder how he's faring out there. I'm sure he's doing just fine but wouldn't it be nice to see him 4 years from now - white head & tail, strong, majestic and a beautiful example of his species. How lucky we all were to watch his story unfold. And thanks Dee for your contributions toward making that possible.