Well as usual I arrived at the nest at O-dark thirty. Oh my word it's cold out this morning! I really wanted to stay in bed but I missed seeing Ozzie and Harriet more than wanting to stay home..... Harriet was still on the nest and Ozzie was on a outer branch towards the road. Around 6:36 am Ozzie drops down to the branch just above the attic branch. There is some vocalizations from Harriet and Ozzie. Maybe a breakfish order from Harriet because Ozzie leaves about 1 min later heads to the river. Dona , Carla, Jeff, Jay and DeAnna show up a bit later. Ozzie returns from the river or where ever he was empty taloned and there was some discussion about this, I think maybe Ozzie told Harriet to get her own darn breakfish that the water was too cold to do any fishing...LOL Well at least that's what I think .. Harriet heads for the OCT( old cam 2 tree) does a big PS , some vocalizing then fly's over to the snag tree closest to where Dona and I are standing. She's a bit frisky this morning. Wingerizing , nipping at the bark on the tree and some preening. She doesn't stay long and heads off towards the east right over mine and Dona's heads. Totally awesome!!! What a Beautiful Eagle she is!
We sat there for awhile then we all decided to go home. As I turned on the computer I see we missed Harriet coming back to the nest . Oh well it's all good . I still got some great shots of her and enjoyed my time with both of them.Soon we will have Eaglets to watch and enjoy. I CAN"T WAIT !!
Ozzie this morning at 6:36 am |
Harriet |
Harriet |
Harriet leaving |